标题: 《秋雨叹三首(二)》——杜甫诗选
野风吹雨秋纷纷,四海八荒同一云。 Wild winds and the sound of continuous rain; it seems the whole universe has come together in one vast cloud.
去马来牛不复辨,浊泾清渭何当分? So darkening the land that a horse going and an ox coming cannot be distinguished which way they go; the muddy Jing and the clear Wei both seem the same today!
禾头生耳黍穗黑,农夫田父无消息。 Grain awaiting harvest will sprout, millet in head go smutty, so that for our farming families no hope remains.
城中斗米换衾裯,相许宁论两相值? I heard that in the city a measure of grain is being exchanged for bedding quilts, with buyers thinking the bargain good.
转载请注明来自南宁市华真隆商贸有限责任公司,本文标题:《杜甫诗选——秋雨叹三首(二) 》